Timeout for “I can’t.” It’s time for “I can.” I’ve told myself for so many years that, “I can’t “ or “they can do it better than me.” Many times I never believed that maybe God was calling me to do it. Instead of trusting Him and believing that if He is calling me to it, that He will provide all I need to do it. As long as I’m available, He will do that rest. And this blog is one of those things. It was on my heart and mind and after a couple of attempts, I wanted to give up and move on to the next thing. But something a friend of mine told me a few years ago, “Sis, you have a story to tell. You have something to say.” I didn’t believe her. I thought I was just a regular woman that blended in with everyone else. Then my special day came. I told my boss about something I was wanting to do and he put me in contact with my now mentor. Oh my gosh! I thought I was just going to be working on another project, but in order for this particular project to come to fruition, my blog would need to be reinstated. Oh my!!! Only God! I put it out of my mind that I was going to do a blog. I was actually trying to run from it, like I’ve done in the past with other things. And God put it right back in my face. And here I am. My life hasn’t been as rosy or ideal (like anyone else) as I would have liked, but I actually believe I have something to say. I can do this. I will do this. No more running. It’s time for me to just do it and trust God while I’m doing it. With this blog I want to take you along my journey of faith as it pertains to me as a wife, mom, seeking a healthier lifestyle and a friend. I hope you enjoy!

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