
Hi! I'm Stephanie and I'm married to my college sweetheart and stay at home mom of two. My husband Armand is truly my best friend. He's the person knows me. The authentic me. He is an answer to my prayers. God blessed me with more than I prayed for when he sent him my way. And then there are my kiddos. Some day's Im still in awe that God trusted me to carry them and to parent them with Armand. And I don't know about anyone else, but I just love to hear them say "mama." Their little voices are too cute and I love that they are directing that name towards me. WOW! I'm mom to a Jesus loving, beautiful, independent strong willed and loves music five year old girl, Lauren. Also, affectionately known as LoLo. And I'm also mom to the always smiling, trucks, sticks and grass loving one year old boy, Langston. Affectionately known as Lane. To be honest with everyone, opening myself up, in this way, via a blog, is not really me. But the Lord laid it on my heart and I want to make sure that I'm obedient. And I've been told several times that I have a story to tell. Until 11.23.2019, I didn't believe it. Here I will share about my faith experiences, my experience as a mom and more. I hope while reading my experiences you are able to take away something. I'm excited to go on this journey with you all.

Steph :)