I CAN: Be Healthy

In 2015, shortly before my mother passed away, she and I were having a conversation reminiscing on the past and such. During that conversation she paid me a compliment regarding my follow through in completing tasks. Although I appreciated and thanked her for that compliment, there was a task I could seem to complete...being healthy.

Some months after I gave birth to my son in early 2018, I became increasingly uncomfortable with my body. One task that I couldn't seem to follow through on was losing and maintaining weight and a healthy lifestyle. That was something I wanted to change. Why was this so hard? Why was this one task I couldn't complete?

It was time to stop sulking, trying to do it on my own and do something about it. During my time of trying to figure out what I was going to do to, God showed me that it was much more to this than my outward appearance. The inside would need to be worked on too. And honestly, that's where it starts.

When I re-started this blog, one of the things that I wanted to share with you all is my health journey. It's not just about the physical, but the mental too. Let me start with the physical, We will visit the mental in a later post.

A great friend of mine, LaTonda, is working toward becoming a personal trainer and I asked for her assistance with my journey. She enthusiastically agreed. My journey began in late November 2018. It began with me getting my body moving with more frequent visits to the gym. LaTonda invited me to workout with her and I took her upon her offer. I was crazy nervous because she is in amazing shape, but I'm up for the challenge. The first workout, she kicked my butt. LOL! She was also, patient and understanding, which I totally needed. Our Friday morning workouts have now become regular. I LOVE it and it has become my "me" place and time. It holds me accountable, but as we all know, it's not just about the workouts, it's also what I put in my body as well. LaTonda provided me with a high protein meal plan. The goal is not to be a short term diet, to get the weight off, this is to become a lifestyle. And as of December 30, I've been eating clean and doing my best to workout 4 times a week. The days I'm not working out with her, I take notes and send them to LaTonda and my husband, Armand. They are my accountability partners. I'm not in this alone; it's truly helped. And Armand is on board as well. YAY! He's slimming up and making this a lifestyle as well.

It's my desire to take you all along on my journey. I'll be posting on my Instagram page weekly posts and updates documenting my progress. And of course I will post entries here as well. My IG posts will mostly be on Tuesdays. Hopefully my journey will help you if you're trying to change your healthy habits.

I must say, it's great having my husband and sister-friend as my accountability partners. But my main partner is God . For the first time, when trying to get healthy, I am actually relying on Him. After all my body was given to me by Him and my body is a temple. And I'm not honoring Him well, with my temple, in how I've been treating it. I thank Him for giving me this opportunity to correct my errors and treat my body as I should.

19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NKJV)

Let's do this! I CAN Be Healthy! WE CAN Be Healthy!

Stephanie Warfield