Happy Sixth Birthday!


My Lauren! My sweet, six year old girl. Happy Birthday!

I just love you to pieces. And even that doesn’t adequately describe my love for you. You’ve been a blessing for the last six years and I am eagerly looking forward to so many more with you. You were an answered prayer and I can’t thank God enough for you. You are more than we(Dad and I) could have dreamed of.

From the moment we received the news w were pregnant to now, you have marched to the beat of your own drum. I love it! At first, I tried to steer you in the direction that I thought you should go. I accepted that you are you. You are Lauren McCall Stevie .

You are beautiful inside and out. I love your love for Jesus, the bond and love you have for your brother and your goofiness. I love your compassion, helpfulness, spontaneous encouragement, your thoughtfulness, your love for your daddy and your love for me. I love to just sit back and watch you interact with your friends, your brother or independently play or read. Many times in those moments I am learning something from you or I’m in awe that God chose me to be your mommy. Nothing lucky about it. He chose me for you and you for me.

Thank you, Lo, for being the sweet loving daughter that you are. Thank you for singing at the top of your lungs, with joy (and teaching me not to worry what others are thinking about me). Thank you for the loving gestures of “huggy hugs” and sweet cheek kisses. Thank you for reminding me, at times, that everything is going to be ok. Thank you laughing out loud. It’s infectious. Thank you for telling silly jokes that make my tummy hurt from laughing. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Thank you, for just being you. If this is you at six, we better watch out for seven. LOL! I’m going to need more paper to write.

I love you, my Lo!

I love you to the moon and beyond.




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