Health Update v.3

Hey Y’all! Happy post day!

Sometimes things go the way you want and sometimes they don’t. Sometimes your expectations, even with the most awesome planning, don’t go as expected. That is what I’m experiencing with this health journey. And honestly, I truly believe, especially when “we” plan things and they don’t go as we would have hoped, it’s God reminding us that He is in control. Point. Blank. Period.

With this post, I wanted, with everything in me, to share with you how much weight I’ve lost, what pair of pants or dress I can now fit into and what exercise move I can do now that I couldn’t before. But, here we are.

I’m two weeks into my breast reduction recovery. That’s right, I had my girls reduced. It was an important piece of my health journey puzzle. I’ve always been on the large side when it concerned my girls. Although we had some good times, they had run their course. I’ve wanted a reduction for a while but always wanted to wait until after I had children. Last year, they began to cause me a lot of pain in my back, shoulders and neck. And they were affecting my sleep and workouts. It was time for them to go. God led me to Dr. Stiles and the rest is history. The recovery is going well and I don’t regret my decision, but I can’t wait to feel like my like myself again. I can’t wait for my energy level to be back on full, to do things for my family, play with my kiddos, workout and more .

This journey has not gone the way I expected, but that has been good. Even though I have had struggles with it at times, I’m learning about myself, making some changes and being constantly reminded that I am a work in progress. I’m learning about myself as a child of God, a woman, wife, mother, sister and friend. Not all of it has been a pleasant lesson to learn, but one can’t grow without being pruned and not doing things out of our comfort zones. My expectations were to lose weight and document that. Welp, that’s not all it’s been. It’s been a spiritual, mental and physical journey. All of them work together.

With this reduction, I’m four and a half to five pounds lighter and I’ll take it. My back, neck and shoulders are feeling better. I know once I’m cleared to sleep on my side again, and workout, those things will be better too. So, I’ll take it. During this journey, I’ve gone through short stints of comparing my journey to others that I see. That’s just not right, or healthy. My health journey is just that, MY health journey.

Dear Lord, thank You for reminding us, in Your own way, that You are in control. Thank you for this journey and for things not always going the way I think they should. In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN.

Much Love,

Steph :)

Stephanie Warfield