Health Update v. 4: Therapy Is Cool: Good Health Isn't Just Physical, but Mental Too

Hey Y’all! Happy Post Day! The title of today’s post says it all. Taking care of my mental health is just as important as my physical health. And in some cases, an unhealthy mind can block someone being physically healthy.

As I said in my last health update, this health journey hasn’t gone exactly the way I would have wanted it to go. My plan didn’t include therapy, but I’m glad it’s on my health journey.

Recovery from my surgery went well, and I received clearance from my doctor to begin working out again. Eager to get back, I got started and soon the disappointment and impatience began to set in. Yeah, I know, I’d just had major surgery. What was the rush? My mind has always been on the physical, because I thought that would make me feel better. WRONG! My mental needed to be taken care of. It’s not like I hadn’t been to therapy before. I actually like therapy. It’s nice to talk and clear my mind of the tangles and fog. The problem, it was still way too cloudy and I was still struggling with the same issues. A change was needed, and needed quickly.

As only God could do it, a friend/ soror of mine reached out to me. During our conversation, I shared that I was struggling and wanted to start therapy. I also shared that my search for a therapist hadn’t been successful. She immediately sent me the name of a center to call and my journey began. God, as always, provided.

I’m a few sessions in and each session is confirmation this is where I needed to be right now. This isn’t my first time in therapy, but this is my first time digging this deep to get to the root of my issues.

Y’all this is 30 plus years of untangling, and fog, that has to be cleared. It’s always been easy for me to say, “I’m ok.” When all along, I’ve been needing to say, “I’m not ok.” Those few simple words are powerful. I can say it now. I’m not ok…yet. That’s right, YET! One appointment at a time. One journal entry at a time. One honest and vulnerable moment at a time. One prayer at a time. One thing at a time, and I will get to my goal. Healing is coming.

I was speaking to my best friend and another friend about this season of my life. I told them, for me, it truly sucks. It really does. I don’t know anyone who would say that it’s peachy. But one thing about pruning, and growing, is pain is a part of it. There is purpose in the pain and vulnerable moments. Something I’ve heard many, many times, my life is not just about me, someone else will learn from the life I live as well. As tough as this may be, I pray once I conclude this particular part of my journey, my story of healing will encourage someone else.

Therapy may not sound sexy, but I believe in it and love it. And I want to encourage anyone reading this……. If you’ve never tried it, or even if you have, and need someone to talk with, please begin your search. Some counselors take insurance and if your insurance covers it, please go. You don’t need 30 plus years of stuff to work out. If you’re just trying to get through a trying time in your life, trying to get a better understanding of a trauma you may have gone through, or a better understanding of a relationship, please go. Whatever you may need an unbiased ear for, please do your research and go. It’s truly a benefit, not a hinderance or being weak. It takes courage and strength to ask for help.

Prayer -

Dear Lord, thank You for therapy/counseling. Thank You for providing people that we can talk to when things have become too cloudy and tough. Thank You for their gift. Father, I also want to pray for the person who is reading this and in need of some help. I pray Lord that you guide them the right person for them to speak with. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Stephanie Warfield