From One to Two; From Three to Four


The last three weeks, to say the least, have been eventful. There has been a pretty big change in our home. Our son was born May 11. Like his sister, he arrived past his due date. Thankfully, it was only by one day, instead of seven. That has definitely been an adjustment.

My husband was talking to a few of the older men at his job about my pregnancy. During their conversation, they told him, going from one child to two is much harder than two to three or more. Oh my gosh!! They were so right. WOW!!

Having our daughter was truly an adjustment because it had been just us two for a while. Then, for three and half years it was just the three of us. We’d become settled and our routine was set. Then, our son arrives. Even before he got here there were adjustments being made. We had to move things around our home and make sure his room was ready for him. We had to take inventory of what we really NEEDED for him and what we could use from our daughter’s stash of things. And we also had the task of preparing our daughter for his arrival. Telling her there was a baby in mommy’s belly, he’s her brother and more. And there was the anticipation of how she would react and if she would accept him. You hear the horror stories of how  children struggle with the new baby and you also hear the good stories of how children take to their new sibling. I’m happy to say that our daughter LOVES her little brother. The first day was rough because she was overwhelmed with everyone wanting to know how she felt, wanting her to smile and more. But as the days passed, her love him grew. Praise God!

With every late night, days with little to no sleep, loud screams, doubts of your parental decisions, dirty diapers and more, having a healthy new addition and healthy toddler, is awesome. Being a parent is not easy, but I love it and it’s rewarding. Along with all of those struggles listed above there is a list of beautiful things, like the bonding of nursing, the smiles in their sleep, watching them peacefully sleep, the look in their eyes when you know they recognize your voice, the way they grab your finger so tightly and more.

Lauren and Langston, Mommy loves you so much! I am truly humbled that God blessed me to be your mom and entrusted you in my care to raise you. I pray I can be the mom you need. 

Until next time….
