Pregnant with a Toddler

Ooh wee! The last week has been pretty tough. Not only was I sick, but I had to keep up with my three year old daughter. I must say, my husband was AWESOME during this time. He did his best to hold down the household, care for me, care for our daughter and more, on top of going to work. Oh, and did I mention, I’m 24 weeks pregnant!

Not sure what other mothers experienced during their second pregnancies, but this one has been a doozy for me. Well, at least compared to my first. My first pregnancy, for the most part was ideal. The two major things I dealt with were nausea and heart burn/ acid reflux. I didn’t have any swelling, pre-labor contractions, no early hospital visits, no additional health concerns and the list could go on. Everything to me, seemed to go pretty smoothly.

With my current pregnancy everything seems to happen earlier, and I wasn’t ready for that. The hardest thing to get used to is the vomiting, fatigue and acid reflux. One more thing weighs heavy on my mind as well, how I’m going to lose the weight once the baby gets here. All of these things are making it a bit harder to enjoy my pregnancy, especially the concerns about losing the baby weight. After my first pregnancy I gained all the weight I lost prior to and then some. Before my current pregnancy, I began working hard to lose weight and become a healthier me. I was making progress and things were looking good. And then I got pregnant! After the initial excitement and celebration were over, my mind immediately went to the weight. Am I going to be able to lose it ? Will I be able to be healthy during this pregnancy? I know I should be enjoying this time in my life, but I’m finding that to be easier said than done. My goal for the remainder of my pregnancy is to let go, eat healthy, enjoy, and prepare to celebrate the blessing coming into this world soon!

Needless to say, with everything going on and trying to keep up with a toddler, I am much more active than my previous pregnancy. Needless to say, at times it can be very, very tough. I love my LoLo very much, but there are days I wish we were financially able to send her to pre-school. I definitely want to make sure that I’m spending time with her, doing activities and more. I don’t want her to feel neglected, as if I’m catering more to her unborn sibling more than her. Being a pregnant, stay at home mom to a three year old can be challenging. But, I appreciate every minute. I’m also very thankful for my mommy time (alone time). Whether it is hanging out with friends, running errands, having the house to myself or just going window shopping . Those moments help keep me balanced. It may not seem exciting or like much to others, but for a mom, it means everything.

Until next time….

Lauren, 3 and I

Lauren, 3 and I