Vacation Needed…at least I thought so

For the past week, I was certain and settled on the subject for this entry. I wanted to write something that would make someone laugh and give more of a glimpse into my life as a stay-at-home mom. But as only God could do it, He took me another route.

A little over a week ago, christian author, Wynter Pitts, transitioned home to be with the Lord. Prior to her passing, I was not familiar with her or her ministry. And as a Christian woman and mother, that saddened me, once I learned more about her and her ministry. But in her passing, I was also inspired. She was a wife and mother of four girls. Reading the impact she had on others and seeing her Instagram posts and reading the touching tribute her oldest daughter wrote for her truly put me in check and also motivated me. Believe it or not, in her passing, she challenged me  as a mom and Christian woman. I’m not saying she was perfect, but she was inspiring. Reading her daughter’s tribute, you can see the impact Wynter had on her life.  And, also the values she and her husband had instilled in her. My God! To be 14 years old and to suddenly lose your mom, but still be able to beautifully express the love you have for her and your faith/trust  in God is nothing short of amazing.

Mrs. Pitts was 38 years old at the time her passing, but the impact she had, you would have thought she was older. I’m 35 (soon to turn 36), and I wonder what impact I will have/do have on others. Her passing helped me to do some major self-inspecting.

For this entry, I wanted to write about my need for a vacation and how over I am of changing dirty diapers, potty training, wiping up spit up, dealing with three year old tantrums and stubbornness, being asked a million questions a day, preparing dinner, planning family outings, and much more. Sorry, I had to have a transparent moment. But after reading and learning more about Wynter Pitts, God re-routed me to write this.

The vacation is still needed, but its not as high on the list now, as I thought it should be. My desire to leave behind what God has called me to be in this season (stay at home mom), it’s not as pressing. What is high on my list and pressing, is my relationship with God, uplifting my husband and my children, loving my family with everything I have, and striving to be all that God has intended for me to become as a person. Also, to not be fearful and second guess what I’ve been instructed to do. I have purpose and I need to live out that purpose.

To this day, I’m not still not sure why God laid it on my heart to express myself through this blog and other social media outlets. But why not me? God can use anyone, at anytime.

Thank you Wynter Pitts for your life and ministry. You may no longer physically be here, resting in God’s arms, but your inspiration lives on. Thank you! Thank you for the challenge. God, thank you for her life. And even in her death, using her to help me.

15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16 Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. 17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.- Colossians 3:15-17 (NIV)


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