UPDATE: My Health Journey

Hey y’all! Happy Post Day! Honestly, I didn’t think I would be updating you all so soon, but a change happened right after my last post. SURPRISE! My husband, Armand, is joining me on this journey. He’s been wanting to drop some weight and said “yes” when I asked him if he wanted to do this with me.

We’ve been together 16.5 years. Five and a half dating and 11 married. He has seen my weight fluctuate over the years. He’s seen my struggle and wins. We had a good talk after my last post and I felt led to ask him to join me. To my surprise he agreed. Honestly, I was shocked because we have always done our own thing when it came to our health - workouts and eating. To be on the same page means so much to the both of us. And probably slightly a bit more me than him. Especially because weight loss and being healthy has been my struggle for so long. During that talk, I was finally able to really vocalize my struggle and how that made me feel and concerns for my health.

We started off with working out together. We have struggled with doing that consistently over the years. We could do an eating plan together, but not workout. Crazy, I know. LOL! Don’t get me wrong, we’ve tried working out together in the past, but never consistently. And if I’m honest, we didn’t try to be. Being quarantined has changed that.

We are four weeks in. The first week was a mix of comedy and interesting. We were trying to figure what workouts best suited us, when we would workout and more. Like many people we have several fitness DVD’s that we really never used. So, we dusted off our T25 with Shaun T. and started that program at the start of week two. It’s 10 weeks of different types of workouts each day. The First five weeks is considered the foundation and helping you learn what to do. Better known as Alpha. The second five weeks, Beta, is a little more advanced and challenging. To be real with you all, we will be repeating Alpha over. We NEED it. We still have some work to do on some of the moves and want to improve before we tackle Beta. Please know we are better than we were two weeks ago. Some progress is better than no progress.

In addition to T25. I’ve committed to running / walking 60 miles in the month of May. Last week, I ran my first 5k (virtually) since November 2019 and it felt great. The challenge to run 60 miles for May was presented and I’m all in. I will keep you updated regarding my workouts with Armand and my running. Coming, I will share our goals. I can tell you that one of my goals is to run more and start participating in races again. Sharing with you all holds me accountable. I will continue to post on Instagram and Facebook of our daily workouts and my runs. And soon, I will be sharing our goals, recipes of some of the dishes we prepare and our progress. Prayerfully, the next blog post you will see physical change, but even notice some changes within me. Yep, I said it. This journey is not just about my physical, this is a mental growth journey as well. I’m not where I used to be , but I’m not where I want to me. And I hope that comes through on these digital pages.

Again, THANK YOU for going on this journey with me. This is out my comfort zone, but growth doesn’t happen, if we continue to do things we are comfortable with.

*Below, you will see our before pictures.*


Dear God, Thank you You for the our bodies and current health of them. Thank You for the desire to improve them. As Armand and I continue on this journey, Father, I pray that our experiences, the good and the struggles, can help someone on their journey . And their journey may not be weight loss, but I hope we can help. In Jesus’ name we pray, AMEN.

My handsome Armand’s before picture.

My handsome Armand’s before picture.

My Before Pics

My Before Pics