Third Time's a Charm

Hi! Welcome! I have wrestled with what I was going to say in this first entry. I’ve gone back and forth if it was going to be an intro type entry or something else.

Let me start off with some transparency. This is my third attempt at my blog. Hence the title, “Third time’s a charm.” Honestly, fear and self doubt is why I’m on my third attempt. Fear and self doubt are real and they are my struggles. But, they are struggles I’m wanting to stare in the face and overcome. That’s why I’m back, again. So, let’s do this. Just as transparent as I am now, is what I want to give to you in each of my entries. Whether it’s about my role as a wife, mom, my Christian faith or my health journey. For so long, I’ve kept parts of me hidden because I was nervous, heck scared, of what people would think. I can’t live that way anymore. My mom lived that way and I was a first hand witness to how miserable, stressful and tiring that could be. So, here I am.

I’m a wife to my awesome husband, Armand. I’m a mother of two(praying about #3) beautiful kiddos, Lauren (5) and Langston (18 months). They are affectionately known as Lo and Lane. I LOVE Jesus, stationery, watching sports, crime dramas and Hallmark. Lol!! I hope you all get something from this blog,

Hey, I’m not perfect and never will be. Only one perfect person walked this earth and His name is Jesus. I’m here to share my experiences as a mom, some as a wife, and my daily journey in strengthening my relationship with God. Also, I’ll share my health journey and love of stationery. In all of that, I hope something is shared that will help. I hope it’s enjoyable to read. If nothing else, I hope you feel the love and some sense of community.

Welcome to Put It 2 Paper!


Dear Lord, I don’t know the eyes that will see this, but You know. As I restart this blogging journey, I ask that you guide my words, share things that can be helpful and entertaining. Most of all, share love. Lord, this is Your blog, do as you please. Thank you for this opportunity and outlet to share. I hope my experiences will help others and pray that others will share to help me. I love You! I thank You. In Jesus name, AMEN.

Steph :)

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