Thank you, 2019; Welcome 2020

For me 2019 was about preparation and breakthrough. Last year provided many opportunities for me to learn about myself, challenge me and build my faith. It challenged me to look in the mirror and see Stephanie. Let me tell you, 2019 was a weird and tough year but thank God for November 23. That’s the night my breakthrough happened. That testimony will be shared later and I can’t wait.

In years past, Ive never been excited for the entrance of a new year, but 2020, I’m ready for what you have to offer. Unlike the years past, I’m entered this year a new woman. A woman that’s faith in God is greater than it’s ever been, who is over self doubting., who loves herself;f and who is accepting herself as is. FINALLY! I can’t you how long I have desired to be at this point in ,y life. Everything isn’t perfect, but so much better.

I’m believing God to do amazing things this year. I've set my goals, prayed (and continue to pray) and trusting God with it all. My goals are below. What are your goals?

  1. Continue growing spiritually and dedicating more time with God.

  2. Take the necessary steps to start and grow my business

  3. Be more present

  4. Walk in my purpose with no fear

  5. Improve my health

What are you looking forward to this year? Are you excited about what God is going to do this year?


Dear Lord, thank You for a new year and beginning of a new decade. Many of us have set new goals, continuing some from 2019 and are looking forward to what you have in store for this year. Father, guide us through this year. Comfort us when needed. Discipline when needed. Give us strength when we are weak. Motivation and encouragement when we are discouraged. Father, have Your way with us this year and may You restore our FULL trust in You and remind us that Your leading is the best for our lives. In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN.

Stephanie Warfield