My Health Journey

Where do I begin? I’ve tried writing this entry several times and I just can’t get it right. Which is part of the problem. I want it to be perfect and just need to be real. So, here goes.

I’m finally at a place in my life where I love me, but I want to improve my health. And, I want to take you on my journey. I have started taking the necessary steps, but I have a way to go.

For much of my life, starting with fifth grade, Ive always been on the thicker side. Not to mention, I also have a large bust and butt. Now, the Lord did bless me with a coke bottle shape, but I would like to tighten it up a bit. Although I love myself and accepting of where I am now, I know changes need to be made. Honestly. I am tired of this struggle.

Not too long ago (sometime this year), I heard a pastor say to allow God to use our struggles to become our strengths. That’s what I definitely want to do. Now, don’t get me wrong, I have started this journey several times before.I’ve lost some weight, but never achieved my goal. In the times past, I’ve become complacent, and allowed self doubt or fear to set in. It felt easier to say, “this is the way it will be.” But honestly, I didn’t believe that last statement. I knew I wasn’t treating my body as I should. So, instead of trying to do this myself, or leaning on others, I’m going to trust God to guide me every step through this process.

So, what’s my plan? Eat right and exercise. And when I say eat right, I mean clean eating with one cheat meal a week. A lot of water exercise and prayer. This sounds very simple, but it’s challenging. And, I’m determined not to give up this time. Especially now, knowing that by sharing my journey with you is holding me accountable. I have a husband, children, family and friends that I love and care about and want to be better for. It’s time to take care of myself the way I should have been.

ARE YOU WITH ME? I hope so. I look forward to sharing this with you!

Steph :)

19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body [a]and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NKJV)


Dear Lord, THANK YOU! My weight and health have been my struggle for a long time and it’s time to make a change and truly treat my body as You would want me to. This is my temple. I only get one and I need to do right by it. Lord, with all that said, I know that I’m not the only one with this struggle. Lord, for those that are reading this and going with me on my journey, I pray that they are encouraged along the way. Touch their hearts and give them the courage and strength needed. Father, thank You! Father, I love You. In Jesus name, Amen.

Stephanie Warfield