2020: Put a Bow On It. Say Goodbye and Thank You.

Bye 2020!

Hi everyone! Happy post day! I hope your first few days of 2021 is going well.

As we said goodbye to 2019 and hello to 2020, No one could have ever imagined the year we were going to be dealt. My God.

2020 was the year of pandemics. March kicked off the health pandemic. Then May kicked off the racial pandemic. And a few months after that, the political pandemic started. Oh what a tangled web those pandemics weaved. WOW!

2020 showed us death like never before. Each morning we were greeted with death totals from COVID-19. With each day, the number increasing. Pretty quickly, the heartbreaking stories of loss and the suffering people were enduring became too much. And COVID was in addition to the other conditions many were fighting. And if that wasn’t enough to make us want the year to quickly come to an end, then we were hit with another blow, Georgle Floyd.

Black men and women being killed at the hands of police officers is nothing new. What was new? Watching a black man, with a white police officers knee on his neck, pleading for his life. WATCHING! Seeing it with the rest of the world. And in the midst of those pleads, he’s calling out for his deceased mother. Eight minutes and 46 seconds. It may not seem like a long time, but to watch someone’s life being taken from them, that seemed like forever. The days, weeks and months to follow were filled with protests, many Black American's asking “when will it stop?” Much needed discussions between different ethnic groups. Many lessons on white privilege. Many people were exposed and too much more. As a black woman with a black husband and children, the racial pandemic was almost suffocating. And on many days, I was left with more questions than answered.

And then if a global health and racial pandemic weren’t enough, we still had a Presidential election that needed to take place. Our current President, Donald Trump, over the last four years, has shown his true colors. Yes, there were some things that we already knew about him, but goodness. I don’t think anyone was prepared for what happened during his term. As I said before, he showed us his true colors. Those colors included being chauvinistic, selfish, tweeting too much or lies, racist, liar and so much more. And some of those that support him, weren’t much better. Their true colors were shown as well. What a doozy of a presidential term that was. So, it was no surprise that when it was time for the election of the President, as well as other positions, emotions ran high. People were not afraid to share their thoughts on how they felt about each candidate. It made for a very tense and colorful voting season. In the end, we voted in a new President, Joe Biden. We also witnessed history, with the first female Vice President, Kamala Harris, being voted into office. Not sure what the next four years will bring, but happy to see change.

2020 was a year filled with so much. Yes, we were and still are in the middle of pandemics. But there was so much more. This year was tough and great wrapped in one. Many people were given the opportunity to grow, and spend time with family. Parents became their child’s teacher and got a real life look at what teachers face day in and day out. Many dealt with death and hospitalization like never before. Many had their calendars cleared due to COVID. And we all became Zoom experts. Zoom parties, baby showers, meetings, weddings and other events. To sum it up, 2020 was a year like never before. One that we will never forget. Although, the year was rough and unforgettable, we are staring a new year in the face. Anticipating and excited about what 2021 will bring. We may want to leave every hardship and struggle behind, but may I make one strong suggestion. With every struggle, test or hardship, there is a lesson to be learned and applied to our lives going forward. As we begin our journey into 2021, with your prayers, hope and anticipation, bring those lessons learned from 2020 with you. You may not see it now but those lessons will help you with struggles or bumps in the road that may come this year.

The same God that carried us through last year, He most certainly will do the same this year. “6 Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6) Trust Him. Believe His word. Lean on Him. He is faithful. He is forgiving. He is love. He is everything. Continue to dream. Continue to plan. Continue to love. He’s got you. Always.

Happy New Year! Welcome 2021!

Dear Lord, thank You for another year. Lord, 2020 was a year unlike any other. Lord, it was the year of pandemics and uncertainty. We can’t forget or overlook the terrible and challenging things that happened that year. But we also can’t forget or overlook Your goodness. Even during the bad, You’re still good. You’re still loving. You’re still faithful. THANK YOU! Father, please guide us through this year and at anytime we feel overwhelmed, feel like it is going in the same direction as 2021, please remind us of Your goodness. Remind us to not be afraid or discouraged, that You are always with us. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

Steph :)

Stephanie Warfield