Put It 2 Paper

Hey Y’all! Happy post day!

Stationery! Stationery! Stationery! For the LOVE of paper. OH MY LOVE OF PAPER!

Why Put It 2 Paper? Why start something you don’t have any experience in and really, all you are is a fan? Easy, you have to start somewhere. Everyone’s passion / business starts somewhere. And everyone’s start doesn’t look the same. And above all, when God says move, you move. Trust me, the fear has been there. The doubt has been there, but as one of my stationery mentors told me, “you have to push through all of that.” And “push through” is what I’m doing.

I love taking notes. I mean LOVE. It all started with taking notes in church. That was the best way for me to pay attention and learn. And I love cards, especially with a handwritten note. That comes from my Granny. My grandmother gave cards for any occasion. Whether happy, sad, concerning or caring, she always gave a card. And I am the exact same way now. For me putting pen to paper is a way for me to express myself, it helps me to remember things and stay on task. As someone who struggles with speaking publicly, being able to put my thoughts on paper helps me a great deal. (When I speak from the heart, I cry). I love note cards, sticky notes, journals, note pads and more.

Put It 2 Paper is being birthed out of that love. For me, pen to paper is beautiful. Many people love to send text messages and email’s, but there is something about a handwritten note or card that puts a smile on my face. Especially when it’s received in the mail.

With Put It 2 Paper, I want to share my love of paper and my faith in Jesus in one. They are both a major part of my life. Heck, Jesus is the reason I have life. My desire is for PI2P to provide journals, note cards (themed and plain), note paper, and more. Before becoming a stay at home mom, I worked in corporate for 10+ years. Like many, I loved office supplies and it is my goal to take that love and share it as well.

This journey has been a little long and there have been some bumps in the road, but I hope you enjoy going on the journey with me. Journey’s seem to be a theme with this blog. It’s another branch of the PI2P tree.

I’m following God’s lead and trusting Him all the way. I’m not sure when the products will be out, but my prayer and hope is that I will have things ready in the coming months, fall or winter. And I hope you like them.

I’m truly grateful for my Granny. She’s with Jesus and I pray she can see her love of paper that she instilled in me. Thank you, Bernice L. Smith. And I would be remissed if I didn’t also say that it wasn’t just her love of paper, but her love Christ. Her faith played a mjaor role in my walk with Christ. I’m truly grateful for the many faith filled talks we had, the Daily Bread devotionals and faith based poems she would include in my many cards and showing me the importance of reading my Word. Honestly, PI2P is truly a way of me honoring her. Thank You, God, for my Granny. I love you! I miss you! I thank you!

One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts. - Psalm 145:4 (NKJV)

Dear Lord,

Thank You! Thank You for the many gifts and talents you have blessed us with. THANK YOU for the lessons learned and the beautiful people you place in our lives to help guide us and find our passions. Even when we don’t see or know it. Without you, ALL of things can’t happen. Father, I’m truly grateful for my Granny, and I pray that I can be that person to my grandchildren and other young people in my life. What a gift you gave me in Bernice L. Smith. As this journey starts with Put It 2 Paper, please keep me focused. Please guide me as I go. Encourage me when I’m down. Remind me of your presence. Replace my fear with hope and drive. And Lord, give me everything needed for this business to have the success You want. That’s all I want, is what You want. Father, PI2P is Yours. ALL YOURS. And finally, I pray that my journey will encourage someone on their journey to entrepreneurship or anything they have going on in their lives. I love You! I thank you! in Jesus’ name, AMEN.


Steph :)

Stephanie Warfield