PI2P Update

Hey Y’all! Happy post day!

Putting yourself out there is tough. Being vulnerable is tough. And if you allow it to take over you, it can be paralyzing.

In a past post Put It 2 Paper , I told you how. Put It 2 Paper came about, who inspired it and where I want it to go.

From that post to now it has been quite an experience. Until January 2021, things had been somewhat quiet. Yes, I posted on the blog, but I seemed stuck when it came to the stationery. I wanted to create and get things going but nothing. It was as if the creative side of my brain just shut off. That caused a lot of discouragement I questioned if I would continue to pursue doing this. Then life began to happen. Not necessarily in a good way. I began emotional therapy journey, life continued to happen and then I was encouraged to create some things for a pop up black history museum. I was scared and honestly wanted to back out of it. I put my head down, prayed and the ideas came. I nervously sent them to the creator of the museum. It took me forever to hit “send.” LOL! Once I did, I closed my computer and went to bed. The next morning I woke up to a text that read, “LOVE THE MOCK-UPS IN THE EMAIL!!!! LOVE. LOVE. LOVE.” Oh my! Oh my! Did I just read this text? Yes!

That text and experience was the key I needed to open the creative side of my brain. The ideas began to flow. I began to write all of them down. And from the items I created for the museum, I received a message from my now, first customer. WOW! Was this really happening? Someone is trusting me with their stationery needs. My God! He deserves all the credit. It’s all Him. God has made all of this happen.

I said earlier that I questioned if I would continue. And yes, I did question it, but I never followed through with quitting. I could never shake PI2P stationery. No matter how frustrated or discouraged I became, I could never shake it. It was something that I had to try. It was something that I truly believed was from God. And like He always does, He fulfilled what He put on my heart and mind. There was a reason that I could never shake it. I had to get to this point. Now, hear me out. This is not the end. I’m not a one and done, but I had to get here. There was purpose in the struggle and discouragement. There is a purpose in the existence of PI2P. I’m here to learn more. I’m here to create. I’m here to share what God has laid on my heart.

And I must say this, I have some amazing people in my corner. Amazing. And those people never stopped believing or encouraging me. They continued to love me and support me. For that I’m grateful. Yes, this is an update, but it’s also a testimonial telling of how good God is. How He continues to work even when it doesn’t seem like it. How He places the right people around you , even if you can’t see it at the time. He is, just that good.

What happens in the days to come, only God knows, but PI2P is His. I give Him this business. I give Him my designs. I give Him it all.

“But Jesus replied, ‘My Father is always working, and so am I.’ “ - John 5:17 (NLT)

Dear Lord, thank You for continuing to work behind the scenes. Working even when we can’t see or feel it. Thank You for being the ultimate guide for our lives and knowing what is best for us. Thank You for continuing to provide the encouragement, love and compassion we need during tough and challenging seasons. Lord, THANK YOU for being You. Lord, this business and all other small businesses like it are Yours as well. Guide us and please continue to keep us covered as we go. It’s in Jesus’ name we pray, AMEN.

Stephanie Warfield