New Life Chapter

Even in the midst of the hardest season of my life, God did as only God could do. Only God can add some color, joy and happiness to a dark time.

During a conversation with my best friend, she expressed how she could see me a teacher. “Teacher? Really? Are you serious?!” And serious she was. It almost seemed like a joke, but a joke it was not.

Honestly, she wasn’t the first person to say that and I always blew it off. I never thought I was good enough or capable of teaching. My respect and admiration for teachers has always been extremely high, but I never thought that was a career for me. But God…

During that conversation, God opened my ears and eyes. He also opened my mind and gave me the courage needed to take the necessary steps towards this new career. It is so crazy. I wanted to go back to work and could not find a job to save my life. I had interest. I had some interviews but no one would hire me. I was applying and seeking jobs in my previous field of work. In some cases, I was qualified and in other cases, I was over qualified, but nothing. It was crazy and discouraging. But God… So, I turned my attention to becoming a teacher. I applied to my first Alternative Certification program and things didn’t work out as I’d hoped. So, while having a random conversation with another teacher friend of mine, she encouraged me to apply to the program where she received her certification. I took her advice and was ACCEPTED.

My BFF encouraged me to substitute teach, while working on earning my teacher certification. I was nervous as all get out, but what happened? I applied and was hired within 24 hours. All God. Just Him.

Y’all, when I tell you God’s hand has been in this since the day I was hired, WOW! All I can do is thank Him and praise Him.

Being a substitute teacher and working on my certification is more than just a job. It is God reminding me that He has heard every prayer and that His word is true. He has a plan for my life. My God, I thank You! Each sub job is not easy and studying to become certified as a teacher, being a mom and wife is no walk in the park, but God.

I have to try my best but He continues to give me His best and love me through this season. Walking through those school doors each day, I never know what I’m going to be met with. One thing I do know, God has me covered. Always. The best feeling and knowledge in the world.

So, if you have been praying and praying, please know God hears you. He may seem like He is quiet, but He hears. He is working things out for you. He knows what is best and know what is best for you. And know that His timing is best. Stay the course. He has you. Believe it. Trust it. He has you.

God, thank You for being God. Thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you for hearing us, even when we think that you don’t. Your silence doesn’t mean you don’t love us. Your silence doesn’t mean that You’ve left us. Your silence, is Your silence. You are ALWAYS working behind the scenes on our behalf. For anyone that believes You’ve left them and not listening, please reassure them of your presence and love. Lord, we love You! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Stephanie Warfield